tiistai 14. tammikuuta 2014

I need your help, THE WORLD needs your help.

I have so many hugely important things to say. Why? Because nobody else has important things to say. Most people lack the brain to see the fucked up mechanisms in the human psyche that let all the fucked up things in this world happen. Even if they've got the brain, they lack the heart to care.

Why do you let all the evil stuff happen? Most people in my generation reluctantly look up from their iPhones and then come up with excuses like "Well, I'm too young to care and understand..." No you're not. I wrote books about the most urgent global problems when I was 16. Surely you can come up with some level of mental activity. The thing is: if you're too young now, you'll always be too young. You'll always have your excuses. Let them go.

I feel like I'm carrying all the fucked up shit of this world on my shoulders, mostly alone. I'm the loneliest person on Earth and I don't know how much longer I can take this.

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