maanantai 24. helmikuuta 2014

When you're smart

I read this thread where people (rational skeptics) discuss the sentience of fish, and what the hell. Wow. These people are as intelligent as I am. It feels strange to look at posts written by people that are 1) intellectually honest, 2) absolutely rational yet non-psychopathic, 3) open-mindedly and sincerely looking for answers. This is extremely rare. People like us must make up like 1-2% of the population. Usually when I see people trying to discuss something like this, they're only capable of vomiting out irrational myths, ridiculous psychological defence mechanisms and boring sentimentality.

I give this thread +++++ out of +++++.

If all people were like this, my life would be so much easier and the world would be a much better place. Life would be fun. (Maybe life is fun for so many other people because they are surrounded by their intellectual equals? They live in a world where they feel at home?) I wouldn't have to DUMB DOWN whenever I try to communicate with the rest of the species. I wouldn't have to dumb down when I write about things that matter.

Fuck, could it be possible to come up with technology to increase the general public's intelligence? To somehow improve our brain? Could it be possible to create a world and a society where all people were as smart as the smartest 1-2% of people now are?

Please. Somebody make that happen. I'm tired of looking at the rest of humanity saying idotic things and behaving in completely irrational ways. I want to belong. I want to smile. I want to breathe and feel at peace. I want to be able to communicate.

A world where everybody was as intelligent as I am would of course be quite different from the world we're now living in. There probably wouldn't be any advertisements, for example, because people simply wouldn't obey them. The development of science and art would look amazing.

I'd like to get out of the current dystopia and enter this utopia. Sadly, so far it only exists in my head. I have to enter my head, entirely. Goodbye.

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