Sometimes I come across a random YouTube video and start reading the comments. It's always a shocking thing to realize: wow, people are not smart. When most people express their inner life, it actually comes out looking like this: "yea fkn fagot lol haha :P!!! miley cyrus is afkn whore!!!! i kno right, fkn fagots haha lol" Most humans are actually highly unintelligent. At least compared to those who aren't. There are corners of the Internet where people are generally pretty smart and educated, and if you spend too much time looking at these corners and then return back to the rest of the Internet, it's a culture shock.
I was standing in a Subway restaurant surrounded by normal people when it hit me: people are never going to go vegan. It's just not going to happen. The people around me ordering chicken sandwiches, questioning absolutely nothing, analyzing absolutely nothing, communicating through sentences like "yea fkn fagot lol haha :P!!! miley cyrus is afkn whore!!!! i kno right, fkn fagots haha lol" are never going to start eating plant-based diets. The act of eating meat has so much cultural, symbolic value that only the smartest, strangest, rarest and mentally strongest ones are capable of consciously boycotting it, or even questioning it. We have to find a way to work around this. We have to find a way to liberate the animals without having to waste our time trying to turn the Normal People into people they'll never be.
So, when they actually start selling in vitro meat, I'm going to buy a lot of it. Then I'm going to consume so much meat that it'll give me a fucking heart disease. I'm going to buy as much in vitro meat as humanly possible and support it in every possible way. If I sell millions of books, I'm going to give the money to people working on this technology (and people telling the public why they should eat this instead of animals). This is the way we're looking for. Some day we'll have everybody behind us. Even the ones communicating through sentences like "yea fkn fagot lol haha :P!!! miley cyrus is afkn whore!!!! i kno right, fkn fagots haha lol"
I keep seeing Joan Jett everywhere. Where the hell did this Joan Jett thing even come from? Yesterday I passed this old drunkard and she made me think warmly of Joan Jett. Here we go again.
Vegan Sidekick is one of the most intelligent and ingenius things I have ever seen. The guy behind it is fucking extraordinary. Wow.
I exposed my ass to a strange woman. The moment was very peaceful, almost holy.
Sori en viitsi nyt kirjoittaa englanniksi mutta samaistun Subway-kohtaukseen. Turhauttaa kun tuntuu että tappelee jotain ihan liian isoa (liha)myllyä vastaan. Mutta KUITENKAAN ei voi palata enää entiseen ja alkaa lappamaan asioita sokeana ostoskärryyn kun _sisäistää_ mitä täällä tapahtuu. Ihmiset suuttuu niin kovasti kun niille ehdottaa vaihtoehdoks jotain muuta. En tiedä kuvitteleeko ne että kasvisruoka on sitä että asetellaan yks raaka porkkananpala keskelle lautasta.
VastaaPoistaIhan hullu kontrasti muuten tänään kun täytin kesäkurpitsoja ja katsoin samaan aikaan ohjelmaa, jossa mies oli perustamassa tuotantotilaa haaveenaan hankkia sinne 300 nautaa. Ohjelmassa taustalla soi jokin iloinen ruotsalainen biisi.
In vitro -liha tulee muuttamaan kaiken. Suurin este eläinten oikeuksille on tällä hetkellä kasvissyönnin epämuodikkuus. Kun kasvissyönti lakkaa olemasta edellytys eläinten oikeuksille, se tulee olemaan ihan helvetinmoinen räjähdys. Oikeastaan en jaksa enää edes vaivata päätäni pohtimalla miten ihmiset saataisiin vegeiksi; sitä ei tule tapahtumaan, maailma pelastetaan muutenkin. Labralihan potentiaali ja mahdollinen psykologinen vaikutus yhteiskuntaan on valtava. Jos en tietäisi tätä, saattaisin kuolla vitutukseen. Nyt maailmaa on melkein mahdollista sietää!
PoistaIn English: In vitro meat will change everything. At the moment, the biggest obstacle to animal rights is the fact that veganism is not fashionable (and will probably never be). When it becomes possible for animal rights to happen without people having to go vegan, everything will wonderfully explode. To be honest, I don't even waste my time thinking about how to make people go vegan anymore; it's not going to happen, and the world's going to be saved anyway. The potential of in vitro technology and its potential psychological impact on society may turn out to be HUGE. If I didn't know this, the frustration might kill me. Now it's almost possible to live in this world!
In Swedish: Hej hej, jag heter Håkan Hellström.