lauantai 2. helmikuuta 2013

These are my words for you

I won't repeat it, so listen carefully. I don't know when you'll see this. Maybe you don't know me yet. But when you find me, listen carefully. Listen.


Be good.
Be a beautiful soul.
Look ugly when you feel like it.
Always stand by the weak and the little. Stand by the odd. Stand by the ugly.
Never stop fighting. But don't forget to breathe.
Be human. In all the good ways. And sometimes a little in the bad ways, too.
Be all the beauty inside you.
Be your scars, your dreams, your lust, your soul.
Be your paths.
Remember. Forget. Remember again.
Find me.
Take my hand. Follow me.
And when I die, say these words.
Out loud. In public. Let people look at you like you're crazy. Say these words to the most hopeless alcoholic you can find, to the friend you lost, to the bird who never learned how to fly.
Say these words.
These words:
I'm your friend.


1 kommentti:

  1. And there you have it: hope in humanity restored.

    Q: But what about the fact that this post had no comments before today?

    No, no: hope in humanity restored.
