tiistai 30. lokakuuta 2012

tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2012

lauantai 6. lokakuuta 2012

And the voice says: KILL

Dear friend,

I crown myself the greatest living mindfuck.

What a dull sentence. I'm tired of dull 'trendy' sentences - they are everywhere. Places like Tumbrl (or Tumblr, who knows, who cares) are made of those sentences, and hipsters EAT them to live.

I'm tired of hipsters. I'm tired of a lot of things.

I should sleep.

Yesterday, I was on a bus, dreaming, and then I noticed a girl sitting in front of me. I liked her neck. I wish I could have bitten it.

I wish someone bit my neck. I'm sure it would feel funny, and probably kind of orgastic as well.

Love always,