lauantai 16. helmikuuta 2013

Beautiful sounds

August 2012. I was walking towards my favourite place in this town, this cliff above a river, when I listened to this song for the first time. I'd heard it before, but never before had I really listened:

Southpaw. I realized it was one of the most beautiful songs in the world. Or perhaps it wasn't the song. But certain moments, certain seconds of the song. It starts at approximately 2.10. And when it eventually comes, it comes as a complete surprise; I wasn't expecting it.

"Oooh so you ran back to maaaaaaaaa!" I guess I started crying and laughing at the same time. I actually think I had an orgasm. Literally. Quite messy. Quite fascinating. I don't know why, but those seconds just smack my soul in the face. One of the most beautiful sounds in the universe.

Morrissey, you are my brother. I'm afraid I'd die for you.

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