Something horrible must have happened to her, and she reacted by becoming a weird genius. Some people do that, others just become boring trolls on the Internet.

Finglish. My name is Olli. There are 590 posts in this blog and maybe 2 or 3 of them are well written. I'll do better things in the future.
If something I wrote on this blog insults you, just ask me about it. I may have changed my mind about you. I'm not saying I'm wise, but I think I'm wiser than I used to be. I don't want to be a jerk.
Have you watched the movie made about her? I only watched an interview of the two guys who made the film. One of the two made me feel glad that nobody has ever interviewed me, because I'm sure I would have been just as awkward as he was.
Yeah, fortunately I've seen the movie, twice. That's how I even know that she existed.
PoistaJohn Maloof? He's the guy who found Vivian Maier. Hmm. In the movie he wasn't awkward at all. Sometimes awkward is good. I don't know. But maybe you're talking about the other guy. Anyway, anyway, anyway, you should definitely watch the movie; you can still watch it here!: