Then there are topics that I should write about, but haven't.
One of those topics is sexism. Now I say something about it, so that from now on, all my 10 million invisible readers will know where I stand.
So. Let's get this out of the way.
Okay. It seems to me that the idea of what it means to be a proper man / a proper woman is one of the main problems in the world at the moment. In many cases, it's the underlying problem that's generating the other problems.
It is a well proven fact that most kids that get bullied are bullied because they don't fit the traditional gender roles in one way or another. Kids in our society react violently when they see somebody that doesn't reflect their idea of the Right Kind of Boy or the Right Kind of Girl. And when these kids grow up, they remain the same way: bullies and fearful morons.
So does the world need feminism?
Yes. Knowing what I know, it would be intellectually dishonest to say no.
I'm not sure if I'd call myself a feminist, though. Not because there's something wrong with being a feminist, but because when people hear the word, they start acting irrationally. (Perhaps we need a new word?)
Feminism is not fashionable. Actually most people, including girls, seem to compete in who can shout I'M NOT A FEMINIST the loudest. I don't know why, but the actual meaning of feminism has blurred somewhere along the line. People's reaction to the mere word is hysteria; a lot of people seem to see feminism as some sort of conspiracy that's trying to destroy everything that they grew up with.
Because everybody knows that

Where does all this fear come from? Feminism, the way I see it, is just common sense. It's about seeing social injustice, and trying to fix it. Of course that's a good thing.
To me, feminism is something that sees the underlying mechanisms of society. Without somebody trying to find out how these things work and show the findings to the rest of us, I would be blind to how differently people are treated solely because of their physical sex. Even the treatment of little babies is usually based on their assumed sex, which is ridiculous; from day one, people are looked at as genders instead of individuals.
The way girls and boys are raised is pretty violent. Girls are still taught to stay quiet and look pretty; even if there's nobody saying it out loud, this is the general culture. Girls believe that their value depends on the way they look. They tend to believe that boys know better than them. They tend to think that their opinions are less important than those of boys.
Because there's always the danger that you make a mistake, and when you make a mistake, your equally hysterical bros come and let you know that you're a 'faggot'.
A faggot means a male person who has expressed human emotion, intellect, kindness, passion or artistic talent. Of course, these are all bad things.
I believe that most problems in the world have something to do with this: that males think that being a violent dick is a part of what it is to be a True Man, and females think that what they have to say doesn't matter. To become successful, women often try to become more like men, when in fact, what the world needs more than anything right now are values that are now considered 'feminine'. In order to progress into something better and less destructive, our societies have to start appreciating things like empathy, patience, kindness and collaboration.
The true revolution is probably when boys stop being so afraid of being labeled faggots, and find courage to be themselves instead. And that won't happen until society stops seeing 'feminine' as a negative.
All in all, things like masculinity, femininity and sports are good jokes that stop being funny the moment people start taking them seriously. These are jokes, people, they are nothing real, stop treating them as matters of life and death.
Besides, traditional masculinity is boring.
Traditional femininity is boring.
Boring sucks. Don't you think?
The pictures I've put in these older posts seem to stop existing and disappear when they disappear from the linked pages. Ok. Great. Looks really smart.