An American TV presenter and 'hardcore huntress' Melissa Bachman posted this picture on the Internet, writing, "An incredible day hunting in South Africa! Stalked inside 60-yards on this beautiful male lion... What a hunt!"
Seems like the whole Internet attacked her after this. I was surprised, since usually when it comes to animal rights, people on the Internet are psychopathic idiots. Not this time.
Or maybe this time too. What hundreds of thousands of comments seem to say is that Melissa Bachman needs to be tortured, raped, slaughtered, and murdered for 'murdering a helpless animal'.
What? Why is everybody suddenly so angry?
These same people have no problem giving their money to things like the modern meat industry. The modern meat industry tortures 60 billion animals on holocaust-like factory farms every year. It is a much, much greater crime than killing one lion. Why the fuck are you attacking one woman for doing something horrible and cruel, when usually you seem to have no problem with 'helpless animals' being 'murdered' every day, all the time? You even pay the bad guys to do it.
Compassion for animals is one of the most important things a person can possess. But don't be a hypocrite.
Things could be worse though. At least the people on the English-speaking Internet are trying to be the Good Guys. Out of curiousity, I wanted to find out what kind of comments the case has received in Finnish media.
So I checked out a couple of Finnish articles. What the comments under the articles said was pretty much that Melissa Bachman is a hot lady, and that these Finnish men would want to go hunting with her and that shooting the lion was great and well done and that killing animals is fun.
What I've noticed before is that, in terms of animal welfare, Finnish people are strangely cold-hearted compared to people in other Western countries. I wonder why this is?
I have no idea. All I can say is: if you, my invisible international reader, are planning to move here... don't. This is a place to get out of.
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