Apparently, about 9 months ago Kincannon was watching the Super Bowl when he decided to send out a series of 'racially-charged' tweets in which he 'joked' about black people, Hurricane Katrina, dick-sucking and a murdered black teenager named Treyvon Martin:
Understandably, a lot of people felt offended by Kincannon's painfully unfunny and boring 'humour'. He went on to explain that the reason he did it was that he is some sort of hero, a soldier for free speech, as 'Conservatives' are being oppressed in society and therefore too afraid to say what they really think anymore.
Since then Kincannon has continued attacking other humans on Twitter. For instance Iraq veterans. (No idea why.)

Anyway, a few days ago, Kincannon came back. This time he noticed that a transgender person had said something to him on Twitter. So oppressed Todd courageously said what needed to be said:

Why do you hate Muslims? You are practically a fundamentalist Muslim.
Or do you just hate the moderate ones?

Yes, Todd. You are evil. Good that the fact seems to have occured to you already.
In most cases, it isn't illegal to insult others intentionally. But it is sad and pathetic that the only way that you could feel conflicted about doing it would be if you had to go to jail for it. Most people have inner compasses like the heart and the brain.
What is interesting about this person is that he's my complete opposite. I've always instinctually identified with the heroes, the good guys, the ones fighting for the weak and little and oppressed. I've always been the kid to stand up for the bullied kids. Todd has probably always been the bully who just simply doesn't get why he shouldn't destroy other people physically and emotionally. I mean, why not, it's fun.
I am, have always been and will always be a hero. As ridiculous and melodramatic as it sounds. I will always be the good guy. Always. For me, that is the only option.
As for Todd Kincannon, the only thing he's capable of doing is looking for somebody to hate. And then finding them. And then doing his best to destroy them.
Why? Because that's the only existence he knows.
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