Idiots and assholes can learn; however, you won't change them by becoming one of them, but by treating them, even them, with respect. You have to show them another way to exist. First they'll feel embarrassed. And then they'll learn. This is the way to change this world.
Something I've noticed:
Kind people are always right.
I watched The Emperor's New Groove today. I laughed painfully. I was 11 or 12 the last time I saw it. It used to be one of my favourite movies. It still is. It made me feel a lot of things. Remember people that are only ghosts in my head nowadays. There seems to be ten million times more sense, love and wisdom in Disney movies than in this 'real' world of adults and politics and Wall Street and the Internet and the meat industry. What happens to people when they stop being children and start to become adults? They lose so much. A being with sincerity and compassion and wisdom seems to vanish and die in order to be replaced by a monster without an atom of humanity.
All the good things, all the ideals, already exist in Disney movies. For some reason, they don't exist in society. It's like something's holding us back. As if we were physically unable to do the right thing. For some reason we have the meat industry, for some reason we have slavery, for some reason we have oppression and discrimination and all these indescribably ugly and violent things, even though we know that they are wrong. Even though we know what we should do. The 'real world' is absurd. Adults are no smarter than kids, they've just learned to fake and pose and repeat the lies that society feeds them. And never ask questions.
I've learned much more from Disney movies and Harry Potter books than from teachers and textbooks ever. Love, compassion, friendship, wisdom, bravery, those are the important things, not grammar and square roots. Grammar and square roots are nothing but details, why have we forgotten the things that matter to the heart?