keskiviikko 28. elokuuta 2013

Today's outfit

One more thing that always manages to make me feel not only unbearably angry, but also unbearably sad: blogs of "normal" teenage girls. They are always 'lifestyle blogs', filled with absolutely meaningless, supposedly "artistic" pictures of their McDonald's meals, their new clothes, teacups on the table, their cellphones on the table, their new clothes, pictures of candy, pictures of meaningless unintelligent teenage girls staring at themselves in the mirrors of clothing stores, pictures of their new clothes, pictures of their McDonald's meals, pictures of their meaningless unintelligent boyfriends, pictures of their new clothes, pictures of their new clothes, pictures of their new clothes. In between the pictures the girls type monstrously meaningless information of what they've bought and what food they've eaten with their monstrously meaningless friends. All the bloggers have the exactly same personality. If they have a soul, they think that they're supposed to hide it because that's what bloggers do. They never say anything important about life or death or injustice or the universe, apparently quite simply because they never, ever think about these things. They never think about anything important. All that matters are the new clothes that they bought yesterday. WHO CARES? WHY do people care? Why do they have 400 followers?

They've completely embraced the materialistic capitalistic nonsense that they grew up with. And the most terrifying thing: they have no idea. They don't even know what capitalism means. They've never heard the name of their god.

What should we do? We should dismember them. We should rip their arms off. At least one arm of every girl. Because maybe, maybe then they could see the world around them for the first time and all the things in it that matter.

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