Not only does 'kvister' sound like a dancing banana, it also sounds like it could be the Danish word for 'producing feces'.
jeg ønsker at kvister - I want to produce feces
Finglish. My name is Olli. There are 590 posts in this blog and maybe 2 or 3 of them are well written. I'll do better things in the future.
If something I wrote on this blog insults you, just ask me about it. I may have changed my mind about you. I'm not saying I'm wise, but I think I'm wiser than I used to be. I don't want to be a jerk.
sunnuntai 30. kesäkuuta 2013
perjantai 28. kesäkuuta 2013
tiistai 25. kesäkuuta 2013
"In the annals of primate ethics, there are some accounts that have the ring
of parable. In a laboratory setting, macaques were fed if they were willing
to pull a chain and electrically shock an unrelated macaque whose agony was
in plain view through a one-way mirror. Otherwise, they starved. After
learning the ropes, the monkeys frequently refused to pull the chain; in one
experiment only 13% would do so - 87% preferred to go hungry. One macaque
went without food for nearly two weeks rather than hurt its fellow. Macaques
who had themselves been shocked in previous experiments were even less
willing to pull the chain. The relative social status or gender of the
macaques had little bearing on their reluctance to hurt others.
If asked to choose between the human experimenters offering the macaques
this Faustian bargain and the macaques themselves - suffering from real
hunger rather than causing pain to others - our own moral sympathies do not
lie with the scientists. But their experiments permit us to glimpse in
non-humans a saintly willingness to make sacrifices in order to save
others - even those who are not close kin. By conventional human standards,
these macaques - who have never gone to Sunday school, never heard of the
Ten Commandments, never squirmed through a single junior high school civics
lesson - seem exemplary in their moral grounding and their courageous
resistance to evil. Among these macaques, at least in this case, heroism is
the norm.
If the circumstances were reversed, and captive humans were offered the
same deal by macaque scientists, would we do as well? (Especially when there
is an authority figure urging us to administer the electric shocks, we
humans are disturbingly willing to cause pain - and for a reward much more
paltry than food is for a starving macaque [cf. Stanley Milgram, Obedience
to Authority: An Experimental Overview].) In human history there are a
precious few whose memory we revere because they knowingly sacrificed
themselves for others. For each of them, there are multitudes who did
sunnuntai 23. kesäkuuta 2013
I prefer the original name of this video: Shiba Inu or Satan?
The best thing about this: the woman's absurd soul. The fact that she's bothered to teach the dog to growl at Satan is wonderfully ridiculous.
lauantai 22. kesäkuuta 2013
Almost fell asleep already.
Woke up when Arthur Rimbaud fell on the floor.
Falling is great. I've always enjoyed downhills. Wait for me Arthur, soon I'll follow you into the dark.
Woke up when Arthur Rimbaud fell on the floor.
Falling is great. I've always enjoyed downhills. Wait for me Arthur, soon I'll follow you into the dark.

Fun fact: this is not Morrissey.
This is Morrissey's nephew.
Which is rather creepy.
Another creepy thing: I found this on the nephew's personal Facebook page. How neat.
perjantai 21. kesäkuuta 2013
tiistai 18. kesäkuuta 2013
keskiviikko 5. kesäkuuta 2013
Goodness and beauty
Never mind. I love my parents. They are beautiful souls.
Nobody's perfect. The most important thing is that you try.
I'm a bit dyslexic at English. Maybe I'm that when it comes to Finnish too. Maybe I just don't know. But whatever.
Always walk towards the light. Occasionally make little visits to the dark side, but always, always come back.
Good night, my friend.
Nobody's perfect. The most important thing is that you try.
I'm a bit dyslexic at English. Maybe I'm that when it comes to Finnish too. Maybe I just don't know. But whatever.
Always walk towards the light. Occasionally make little visits to the dark side, but always, always come back.
Good night, my friend.
maanantai 3. kesäkuuta 2013
Wow. It's all going dramatically downhill.
I guess I should just move out of here.
These people, this society, this phony woman with her despicable bureaucracy, everything just crushing me to death.
It's horrible, but a voice inside me grins.
He's saying:
Here. Here's your reason to run.
I guess I should just move out of here.
These people, this society, this phony woman with her despicable bureaucracy, everything just crushing me to death.
It's horrible, but a voice inside me grins.
He's saying:
Here. Here's your reason to run.
sunnuntai 2. kesäkuuta 2013
lauantai 1. kesäkuuta 2013
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